Younus College of Engg. & Tech., Kollam
Internal Quality Assurance Cell

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at Younus College of Engineering and Technology (YCET) is a dedicated body responsible for ensuring and enhancing the quality of education and overall academic excellence within the institution. The IQAC acts as a driving force for continuous improvement, monitoring various aspects of the college's functioning to promote transparency, accountability, and effectiveness.

The primary role of the IQAC is to develop and implement quality assurance strategies and mechanisms that align with the goals and objectives of the college. It works closely with faculty, staff, and students to identify areas for improvement and devise strategies to address them. The IQAC also facilitates the development and implementation of quality benchmarks and performance indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of various academic and administrative processes.

One of the key functions of the IQAC is to conduct regular internal reviews, assessments, and audits of academic programs, infrastructure, and support services. It ensures that the college adheres to regulatory requirements and benchmarks set by accreditation bodies. The IQAC also fosters a culture of research, innovation, and continuous professional development among faculty members, promoting their engagement in scholarly activities and encouraging them to adopt best practices in teaching and research.

Additionally, the IQAC plays a crucial role in promoting student-centric initiatives and ensuring the holistic development of students. It monitors the effectiveness of student support systems, counseling services, and extracurricular activities, fostering an environment that nurtures their overall growth and well-being. The IQAC at YCET also facilitates the dissemination of information and encourages stakeholders' participation in the quality enhancement process. It encourages feedback from various stakeholders, including students, faculty, alumni, and industry experts, to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions for the continuous improvement of the institution.

Members of IQAC Committee

IQAC Chairman: Dr. P Sreeraj, Principal
IQAC Coordinator: Mr. Riyas A N, Asst. Prof., ECE Dept.

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