Younus College of Engg. & Tech., Kollam

IEDC (INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CENTRE) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IEDC) cell ‘Younus Centre for Innovations & Entrepreneurship’ started functioning in our campus from 27th January 2014. IEDC is being promoted in educational institutional mechanism to create entrepreneurial culture in Science and Technology academic institutions and to foster techno-enterpreneurship for generation of wealth and employment by Science & Technology persons. IEDC established in academic institution having requisite expertise and infrastructure YCIE is affiliated by Technopark TBI. Several entrepreneurship awareness camp, faculty development programmes and innovation related programmes have been conducted by the cell.

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Cell (IEDC) at Younus College of Engineering and Technology (YCET) is a dedicated initiative that fosters an entrepreneurial mindset among students and supports them in transforming innovative ideas into successful ventures. The IEDC serves as a platform for students to explore their creative potential, develop critical thinking skills, and nurture an entrepreneurial spirit.

The IEDC at YCET offers a wide range of programs, workshops, and mentoring sessions to inspire and guide students in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship. It provides valuable resources, networks, and guidance to help students identify market opportunities, validate ideas, and develop business plans. Through interactive sessions with industry experts and successful entrepreneurs, students gain insights into the intricacies of starting and running a business.

The IEDC also organizes innovation challenges, hackathons, and startup competitions to encourage students to showcase their innovative projects and entrepreneurial ventures. It provides a supportive ecosystem that nurtures creativity, collaboration, and risk-taking, empowering students to turn their ideas into reality. By promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, the IEDC at YCET prepares students to become job creators rather than job seekers. It instills essential skills such as problem-solving, leadership, and resilience, enabling students to thrive in an ever-evolving business landscape.

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