Younus College of Engg. & Tech., Kollam
Antiragging Cell

Younus College of Engineering and Technology has a well-functioning Antiragging Cell for many years. Anti -Ragging Committee is constituted in this college to prevent ragging and to take anti ragging measures as per the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court of India & UGC. As per the direction of the Honourable Supreme Court of India and the UGC New Delhi, students who indulge in ragging of any kind will be seriously dealt with. If any student is found guilty on enquiry he or she will be expelled from the college and a criminal case will be charged. Our college maintains a healthy and congenial academic environment for the student. The Anti-ragging Cell is for the entire students of the college and starts its activities from the time of admission and the help desk offers a five minutes counseling to the newly admitted students in the presence of their parents. The help desk issues a leaflet to make them aware of not indulging in any kind of activities which comes under the purview of ragging and also an anti-ragging form has to be filled by each student. The Anti-ragging Cell is responsible for taking strong action on the basis of the complaint in case of any kind of difficulties. The Anti-ragging Squad is thus coordinated. The cell has the power to suspend, not issuing a good certificate of character, or freeze benefits such as scholarships, grants …etc.

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